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Chenxin contactless IC card reader
Application:e-commerce, access control, hotels, schools, hospitals, sales terminals, when PCs need to communicate with contactless chips
  • Long service life

  • Highly integrated

  • Extensive use

Product Details

Technology Brief

The non-contact IC card is composed of an IC chip and an inductive antenna, and is completely sealed in a standard PVC card with no exposed parts. The reading and writing process of the contactless IC card usually completes the reading and writing operation by radio waves between the contactless IC card and the reader.

The non-contact IC card itself is a passive body. When the reader reads and writes the card, the signal sent by the reader is composed of two parts: one is the power signal, and the signal is received by the card. L/C produces resonance, which produces an instantaneous energy to supply the chip to work. The other part is to combine data signals to instruct the chip to complete data, modification, storage, etc., and return it to the reader. The read-write system formed by the non-contact IC card has greatly simplified the hardware structure and the operation process. At the same time, with the help of advanced management software, the offline operation mode can make the data read and write process It's simpler.


Compared with contact IC cards, non-contact cards have the following advantages:

1. High reliability

2. Easy and fast operation

3. Anti-conflict

4. Can be suitable for multiple applications

5. Good encryption performance

Application: e-commerce, access control, hotels, schools, hospitals, sales terminals, when PCs need to communicate with contactless chips