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RFID technology promotes waste sorting into a new era



In the process of people's living standard gradually improve, the emergence of a large number of household waste to the city has brought great pressure, from the current situation, the general classification of garbage cans can not meet the basic needs of urban garbage classification. The lack of rationality of the current garbage sorting system in the city leads to the garbage in the city, which is contrary to the original intention of the construction of the urban ecological environment and becomes a major obstacle to people's pursuit of quality of life. If the garbage can not be properly sorted and disposed of, the urban environment will face great difficulties in the future. In order to speed up the reform of ecological civilization system and build a beautiful city in China, we need to sort and dispose of garbage reasonably and correctly in order to relieve the ecological pressure of the city and promote the development of the domestic economy. There are many ways to dispose of waste, such as incineration, landfill, etc. Under the unreasonable classification of garbage, it will affect the efficiency of waste disposal and cause more waste of waste resources. For example, the burning of high-water waste, the efficiency of waste incineration, and even a large number of toxic substances - dioxycyclic hexane. There are several major types of garbage in cities at present: Recyclable waste: waste paper, metal, glass, plastic and other recyclable waste-based. Harmful waste: Including harmful to human health, heavy metal content of toxic waste, such as lithium batteries, waste drugs and so on. Perishable waste: mainly kitchen waste, including some other perishable household waste, such as leftovers, melon peels and so on. Other garbage: mainly dry waste with no secondary utilization value, less environmental pollution.

 1. the application of RFID technology

At present, the Intelligent Waste Classification System based on the Internet of Things (IoT) is mainly rfID technology (radio frequency identification technology). The implementation of this technology is a process of data communication and identification with the corresponding data label using reading device. The data label sends the data information in the label to the reading device by sensing current, the reading device can also receive the data signal sent by the data label directly, and transfer the received data information to the server for processing, so as to realize the rapid transmission of the data information. RFID technology has the advantage of being able to quickly identify items with RFID tags, because rfID labels are small in size, suitable for all types of equipment, coupled with RFID label anti-pollution ability, and the material requirements are not high, so the application range is very wide. The smart trash can with RFID technology is usually equipped with RFID chip, which can effectively identify the user through RFID technology, and the user can also use the identification card to pick up the garbage bag with RFID tag in the designated location. In the garbage classification, the intelligent garbage system will automatically read the garbage with RFID tag information, according to the information to open the corresponding trash can, to ensure that users reasonable garbage. The application of RFID technology can also use Internet technology to transmit data information to the server, and realize the supervision of intelligent garbage classification system through mobile.


 2. the workflow of intelligent waste classification system

         During the operation of the intelligent waste sorting system, the user needs to use a garbage bag with RFID tag, and the RFID reading device automatically recognizes the information on the garbage bag. In the intelligent garbage classification system, the ultrasonic module will identify the type of garbage in the garbage bag after detecting the RFID label close, and open the corresponding smart trash can, so that users can put garbage. For larger garbage, users can enter it manually. RFID reading device in the identification of garbage as recyclable garbage, the weighing module started to run, automatically calculate the weight of garbage, in the case of smart trash saturation, the weighing module will stop running, and data information transmitted to the server, to remind the relevant personnel to clean up the garbage.

     3. RfID technology is used in the process of garbage collection and transportation supervision.

          1.Fixed-point barrels: mainly for the car barrel loading andshipping mode and set. Identification has RFID label, through the installation of RFID tag reader automatic collection of receipt time, barrel number, location and other information, recycling vehicle installed with vehicle electronic label, through the community gate, by the location reader read recycling vehicle information, the recycling bin number, time, location and other information associated with the vehicle; Processing field and other information real-time correlation, for the background system management to provide real-time data. 2.Transport barrels: mainly for the rear compressed vehicle delivery mode and set. Identification has RFID label, through the installation of RFID label reader flatbed car to read the transport barrel number, time, location and other information, flatbed car installed with the vehicle electronic label, through the community gate, by the location reader to read flat vehicle information, will be The information such as the number, time and place of the recycling bin is associated with the flatbed vehicle, the flatbed truck transports the garbage directly to the garbage transit, the RFID vehicle label reader is installed in the garbage transit station, and the inbound transport bucket (garbage delivery) number is read, Time and out of the transport barrel (transport barrel return) time, barrel number, garbage after compression treatment, transport to the end of the garbage treatment facilities, through the end of the processing facilities of the land, the transport barrel number, time, place, weight, transport vehicles, processing site and other information in real time, for the background system management to provide real-time data. After the public actively classified as recyclables, harmful garbage, other garbage, in the garbage transit station classification stacking, wet and dry garbage using different recycling transport management processes, respectively, real-time data collection and monitoring, at the same time, for dry garbage in different communities have been taken "point bucket" or "transport barrel" two recycling transport management models, can also do real-time monitoring and management, to achieve automatic collection and adaptive management of the system. The system uses the most advanced Internet of Things technology, through RFID tags and card readers, real-time collection of all kinds of data, and through the self-networking system, and the back-end management platform seamless docking. RFID tag readers and vehicle labels are installed on garbage bins (point buckets, transport bins), garbage trucks (flatbeds, recyclers), vehicle readers installed at the entrance of the community, garbage transit stations, garbage terminal treatment facilities Installed pounds and vehicle label readers, each card reader can be connected to the background in real time through wireless modules, so as to realize the garbage can, garbage truck number, quantity, weight, time, location and other information in real time, to achieve garbage community sorting, garbage transport The whole supervision and traceability of waste disposal, to ensure the effectiveness and quality of waste disposal and transportation, and to provide a scientific reference for government decision-making.